This dress was easy to sew, however I did take my time. It came out exactly how I wanted it to and the fit was perfect with only small adjustments made to the front princess seam. I took them in about an inch or inch and a half at the bust area on each side. I might add that this is more of a "standing" dress and not so much a sitting dress. If I had made it form fitting as the Burda model wore it,

I would have never been able to walk much less sit! I really had to watch my steps too. The width at the hem was much more narrow that I had thought it would be. When I tried to get into my car...well, lets just say I had to hike the hem up a good 6 inches or so just to get in the car! Here is the technical drawing from the Burda website:

Here are the photos of the finished dress. Excuse the wrinkles....I wore it to work! Here is the front as I wore it. I bought this cardigan from Talbot's to wear with this dress.

And here are the shoes. I bought these with this dress in mind.

Here is the dress without the cardi.

The back.

The lining. I used a technique from the book
Easy Guides to Sewing Linings an ebook I downloaded.

I will have to restitch the area around the zipper. After wearing the dress the stitching has come loose in the area across my back. The dress isn't tight, so I'm not quite sure why it came unsewn.

And here is my next project already in the works. A lap quilt using the pattern "Mama's Boy".

I bought the fabric and the pattern from Connecting Threads before Thanksgiving.
This is the completed center strip that I cut, pieced and sashed!