Saturday, November 29, 2008
Two gifts complete
Friday, November 28, 2008
PJ's for IV and other projects
I'm making him a pair out of this LSU Tiger cotton fabric as well as a pair for IV, so they will have a matching pair - corny I know, but cute.
That is all I'm working on right now and it is enough to keep me busy for awhile. These LSU Tiger pants come first because I need to get them finished before the 12th of December, that is when I'm heading down to Orlando again and it will be my Christmas visit.
My foot isn't well yet, but it is not too bad. I threw out (donated) all my old shoes and am replacing them with Clarks only. I now have only 7 pairs of shoes and 1 pair of running shoes in my closet. I had over 30 pairs of shoes before I purged them.
I also had a very successful garage sale a few weeks ago. Made over $300. I still have quite a bit that will be taken to Goodwill or the Salvation Army as donations.
Catching up on projects - Wall hanging

I finished the wall-hanging and it is on the wall! I think it really looks like the picture that was on the pattern. I give a big applause for all the quilters out there, this is HARD. I didn't expect it to be so hard to match seams, etc. I thought the actual quilting would be the hard part, but it seems the piecing is much harder. Anyway it is finished and I am glad it is done. I did use my BSR to do the quilting along the borders and I used the embroidery for the quilting in the triangles.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ok so my feet aren't so OK......
Anyway as of today I feel great. I just have to wear these shoes ALL the time. It is hard to look nice with running shoes on, I feel like such a slob!
I have to get up early tomorrow morning for my Sorority garage sale and then I'm free to sew the rest of the weekend. I received my newest toy yesterday, a Janome Coverpro 900. I bought several knits and really wanted to finish them professionally so I found this neat little machine (it isn't all that little) that does the coverstitch hem for a great price of $249.00.

I working on my wall hanging now and hope to finish it this weekend.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Finally made it ....

Monday, September 15, 2008
Ike is gone....things back to normal???
Friday night we found a snake in the hall heading to my bedroom!! We have also found 4 skinks in the house, which Hunter loves to catch and play with until there are dead carcasses left and removed tails! He gets a treat for each one he kills! How are these little creatures finding their way into my house???
Saturday after doing a little cleaning (checking for any additional critters) I had to get out of the house! I finally got to a quilt shop that I had been wanting to visit and headed over to Hancock's with the Bernina store inside. There was a coupon sale for $10 off any $50 purchase, which I took advantage of and purchased a new foot (#57) and 3 boxes of Bernina needles.
I was going to start working on my Cotton Theory quilt using my paisley fabric, I am short 6 more fabrics!!! So, I started my wall hanging, I'll post the final project when I finish.
I booked my airfare to see my DD and her family, again! The other trip for GS's 2nd birthday was cancelled due to Gustav, so I'll try it again next weekend. I'm heading to Dallas Wednesday for a bank seminar for work and this weekend I have a cooking class to attend. I need these things to take my mind off the hurricane havoc!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Gustav came and left......a mess!

The trees that were downed is amazing! Our power was restored on Saturday night at 9:30 pm. We used generator power at my Sister's house until her power was restored early Saturday morning. We picked up our things and set it up at home. A window unit and a generator are wonderful items to have. We purchased both right after Katrina and before Rita. We have used both several times since then. Last summer there was damage to the power substation and we were without power for 4 days.
Hopefully Ike will not hit any part of Louisiana, we have had enough!!! The national news never mentioned anything about the damage to BR and surrounding areas, only that New Orleans was OK. I guess it is because the resident's of this area weren't crying for people to help us! Our new Governor, Bobby Jindal, has done an exceptional job! Congratulations to him and his staff for a job well done!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Eyeing Gustav
Hanna has started to move west now and looks to be getting stronger too. I also see that there is another TS brewing off the coast of Africa.
My house has this stinky smell going on that I can not figure out. I noticed it last night when I took Hunter out for his last potty break. I have sprayed Frebreeze and have lit candles. We changed the air filter (because it seems to smell worse when the A/C is running) and I've steam mopped the floors plus vacuumed and cleaned the toilets. I still smell it. We pulled the refrigerator out from the wall, nothing! It is a mystery.
I'm working on my PJ's and I have run into a problem. I didn't have enough fabric to make the facing out of the fabric that I wanted to use plus I didn't have enough fabric to make the bottoms out of the same fabric as the top. So I had to make the top out of the floral and the pants out of the pink and white dot fabric. I wanted to make the facing of the top out of the pink and white dot as well, but had to use plain white and I have cut a small piece of the pink and white to sew together so that it will show by the collar. Hopefully it will work out ok, afterall it is just pajamas.
Here is the fabric I'm using for the top.

Here is the fabric I'm using for the pants and trim.

This is what I have to do to make the facing show the way I wanted it to.

I should have them finished this evening. I have the shorts finished.
Gustave is now a Cat 4 hurricane and we found the source of the stinky smell!!! DH was cleaning out the frezzers in the garage on Wednesday morning preping for Gustav and left a package of turkey necks out (thinking he would put them back in just in case we decided to go crabbing again) and forgot to put them back into the freezer, so they have been sitting out since Wednesday morning...yep, that is a horrible smell!!! So now the garage door is open as well as the utility room door and hopfully it will air out and go away!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Preparing for storms
I traced the pattern for the latest PJ project for me last night while I was watching Project Runway so I will try to get it started on Friday night, tonight we have a wake to go to for a friend's Father that passed on Tuesday.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
FINISHED project !! Nightshirt
I think it came out very nice. I hope she likes it. I think it looks like one of those "dusters" that the stay at home mom's used to wear in the 60's!! Or it could be a cover up or robe?
Here is the pattern that I used from Cindy Taylor Oates called Pajama Party and I have made 3 pair of pajamas already, but this was the first nightshirt. I have another pair of PJ's for me in the next project that I will start this week. I'm going to make short pants and just use one print for both and add a smaller print for the trim. Pics to follow.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Watching the rain fall....and sewing
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Sewing Sunday

Monday, August 11, 2008
No result!
On to more happy things! I finally stitched out the embroidery basket with daisies to go on my mothers quillow pocket. I also, cut out my precious grandson's red gingham JonJon that I am making him for his 2nd birthday party. I will stitch out the "practice" balloons and #2 tonight to make sure it stitches ok before putting it on the suit. Hopefully picture will be added tomorrow.
I purchased a new foot for my machine today. It is #18 the button sew on foot. It is a new version to the old #18. This one is rubber coated so that the button will not move when you are trying to sew it on to the item. Very nice, plus I received 20% off because of a store sale!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Made it through 2 days.....
Received several e-mails from online fabric stores that had great sales, but no paisley that I am looking for, so I'll have to keep looking. My next item to start and finish is my mother's birthday quillow! I'll start that this week.
I need to fix those 5 little pillowcase dresses for my friends' granddaughter. She's a little smaller than I thought she was. No problem though, I'll just have to unsew the ends where the elastic is and pull about an inch off of the front and back and restitch. She is just so cute. Yesterday she came walking out of the garage all excited. She just learned to walk. It is so fun to see little ones learn new things!
My grandson is having problems with some of his family members names! I don't blame the poor baby. He has a Granny (ME!) a Grammy (Father's Step Mother) and a Grampy (Fathers' Father). Oh well, he will figure it out.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Time to loose some of this weight.....AGAIN!
I started my plan this morning, first weighing in, and I was surprised that it wasn't as much as I thought it was. Still up there but about 20 lbs lighter than I thought I was. It is all just repositioned around my body, instead of around my hips it is all around my stomach and waist and my big ole neck! That after hysterectomy spread and of course being over 50 doesn't help much either.
The treadmill is sitting right behind me as I type this, just sitting back there. I HATE that thing, but I will put my walking shoes on in a little while and get on the darn thing. I plan on getting on it each evening after I get home from work. I would love to be able to walk outside but with the heat index hovering around 102 degrees, I don't think so. At least inside I can watch TV and have the air conditioning and ceiling fan running.
I finished 2 projects on my list today! I finished the baby blanket and a burp cloth (not on list but an after thought) for my Son's friends' baby girl and I finished the window treatment for the sewing room!!! It has been a good day, except for that darn treadmill looking over my shoulder!!! I guess it is time.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wall hanging project
Here are the fabrics in the kit and I bought the Floral Trellis Tonal for the backing fabric as well. There is some applique involved which is the wreath, I've never tackled that so this will be a learning experience!
The kit list the fabrics as Golden Vines, Rust Wheat Stripe, Brown Packed Ditsy, Rust Focal Wheat, Rose Packed Ditsy, Sage Packed Leaves and Rust Ditsy. Don't you just love the names of fabric! I purchased the kit from Connecting Threads on sale for $19. When finished it will be 36 1/2" square.
I have several other projects that need to be finished before I can start on this but will post the progress once I get started.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Quilt shop in San Diego
I did get to visit a quilt shop called Rosies Calico Cupboard....and I have to say, I've never seem so many bolts of quilting fabric in one spot in my life!!!! It was referred to me by someone in my Bernina group online site.
I only purchased 1 piece - a creamy gold paisley to go with my other paisley collection for my quilt as you go quilt. Almost there! I know, all that fabric and you only bought 1 piece! I was having stomach issues that afternoon and just couldn't get into looking through it all. My Sister did buy 2 pieces so that I could make her a nightshirt. Another project to add to my list!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sewing room
Friday, July 18, 2008

I did go straight home after work and cut all 5 dresses out and finished them all this morning.
Project List as of today
- princess seamed dress for sister (still in the muslin fitting stage)
- paisley quilt as you go quilt
- embroidered sewing motif clock for sewing room
- Continue to organize sewing room
- baby blankets for son's friends baby - born this week 2 weeks early!
- Quillow for my Mother's birthday in September
- Curling Iron holder
- Embroider luggage tags